/Educational Turn

06.09.2011 /7:00 p.m.
Main Tor-Areal
Panel Discussion


MMK Talks: 


Mediation has became an essential aspect of museum work. This is a circumstances reflected in various formats in the institutional as well as the non-institutional area. Relevant mediation work is today no longer directed solely towards an educated elite but addresses a substantially wider public. The title ”Educational turn” refers to increasing importance of and changes in education, knowledge production  and research in contemporary art. To art ever greater degree, museums and exhibitions have become places of training and research in contemporary art. To an ever greater degree, museums and exhibitions have become places of training and research where current topics are debated and forms of knowledge are negotiated. 

The consequences of these developments for artistic practise and new ways of shaping institutional research and mediation worldwide will be discussed by: 

Simon Njami (Curator, author and art critic, Paris)
Tania Bruguera (Artist, New York) 
Maria Hlavajova (Founder and artistic director of BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht) 
Moderation: Nikolaus Hirsch (Director, Städelschule/Portikus)


Recent changes in society, globalization, and the increasing significance of the media are a mix that presents the museum of the twenty-first century with new challenges. The museum’s role as a public space demands redefinition. In this context, more and more importance is being attached to communication and mediation. The impact of these developments on the museum of contemporary art is the subject of a new series of MMK talks: MUSEUM PUBLIC.